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DUGi: Llistar Títols | (dc.creator:"Pinyol i Agelet, Albert" OR dc.contributor:"Pinyol i Agelet, Albert" OR dc.contributor.other:"Pinyol i Agelet, Albert") | 0 - 2

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doc icon DUGiDocs 2005 Si3N4 single-crystal nanowires grown from silicon micro- and nanoparticles near the threshold of passive oxidation Farjas Silva, Jordi ; Rath, Chandana ; Pinyol i Agelet, Albert ; Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Bertrán Serra, Enric
out url icon Recercat Si3N4 single-crystal nanowires grown from silicon micro- and nanoparticles near the threshold of passive oxidation Farjas Silva, Jordi ; Rath, Chandana ; Pinyol i Agelet, Albert ; Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Bertrán Serra, Enric


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